Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Final Submission...

These are the board layouts for our YCN submission. There are 5 boards in total, each one showing a different element of the mail shot package.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Finished Guide Book...

These are the finished page layouts for the guide booklet that would be sent out with the mail shot. We wanted to make the pages eye catching and colourful. The guidebook example we have as research is very plain, the pages are off white with coloured title boxes (which are quite bright) but we wanted to make the overall booklet look more exciting - so we have made the pages coloured and the boxes white with a grey title. We have used 4 colours, that we chose from the colour pallet we were give. These four colours complement each other, and are tonally similar. The purple and blue pages are 40% tint, the teal and green are 60% tint - we decided that the full 100% for all the colours was much to dark for full page colour, and would detract from the information and images.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Guide booklet content...

We decided early on that we wanted produce the guide book for the Pop-in Portraits event. Obviously the booklet needs content information, rather than just the layout being designed; so, we have decided to come up with the basic idea for what would be in the book, and include as much information as we can.

These are some of the titles we have come up with for the bite-sized (20-30 minute) tours that we would like to organise for lunchtime and early evening:

Shadows, Models and Muses, Urban Scenes, Romatic Portraits, Perfect Pictures, Royal Reception, Explorers, Transport and Vehicles, Royalty, Celebrity and Scandal, Musicians, Medicine, Engineering, Family Portraits, Formal Photography, Religion,

Saturday, 14 March 2009


We have decided on a net to use for our mailshot. We really like that the base of the box folds out to be 'something else' that is flat - this means we have another element to include in the mailshot - yay!
Anyway this is the net for the base of the mailshot, and an example of what the overall mail shot with look like.


We've started to organise the information we need to put into the mailshot and the guide book. For one of the elements we need floorplans, but the maps provided on the website are too poor quality. So, I have spent AGES making vector images of these maps so that we can scale them up and down easily, and use them within our print based material. We decided to stick with the same colours that the original maps used, as these are used for signage around the gallery.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Poster Development...

Over the weekend I produced these mock ups of some of the ideas Emma and I have been discussing for the poster layout. We have been trying to focus on getting the required information across, and trying to keep the design and layout as simple as possible. The images below are all ideas that can be used on the London Underground and bus stop advertising spaces.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Final logo design...

Final logo design for the "coffee and culture" material.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

What we are designing...

1. Poster; a. London underground
b. Bus stops
c. Mail shot contents

2. Postcards; a. promotional handout/mail shot content
b. mail shot content - several designs

3. Mail shot packaging; a. to be posted

4. Guide booklet; a. mail shot content
b. available in gallery

5. Full page "press release" for newspapers

6. Napkin; a. available in cafe for use on return visit